My PC Programming Projects
This is where all things PC programming based goes, but don’t expect anything earth shattering. Most of this content is written in C#, years ago!
The C stuff is uploaded in the ‘ XNA Creators Club packed file’ format, and needs to be downloaded and unpack to a folder on your machine. No further install should be necessary.
Some other stuff may need specific 'games creator' software to run.
UPDATED: 22nd June 2022...
Made using the RPG Maker XP application, with Ruby scripting.
I've been playing around with RPG Maker XP for a while now and have started writing a new game using it for fun.
This is more an adventure/collect-em-up game using the engine than an RPG game. I'm probably going to release this for free as it dosn't really adhere to the 'normal' RPG maker gameplay.
You have been hikred by the owners of Hauntly Hall, an old house that is soon to be demolished, to search for some rumoured items that were apparently lost in the house by the family over the ages. You are on a 5% commision for all objects you find. But all is not as it may seem and soon things start to go a bit astray. What conclusions will you come to?
This is a side-on exploration game written using a relatively modifyed RPG Maker XP platform where you must search, collect and use objects in order to solve puzzles and find ‘treasures’ but each item has a history and there are decisions to be made.
The game is presented in a largely monochrome graphical style reminiscent of early CGA or Hercules graphics type of 1980s to 1990s PC games.
UPDATED: 22nd June 2022...
Made using the RPG Maker XP application, with Ruby scripting.
This was just some test stuff that I make whilst trying to fugure out how to use the app.
Made using the origonal GameGuru application, with Lua scripting.
I just finished a demo program made with the Game Guru games creator application, as a test to see if it would be suitable for prototyping a new game idea I have.
None of the content in this demo is from the game, it is simply a test of the application, in order to see if the GG maker was suitable.
However the demo is finished, playable, and has a goal of finding the exit point with a 100% demo completion rate.
UPDATED: 12th July 2020...
Written for the PICO-8 virtual console system, using Lua.
My unfinished and broken PICO-8 game.
This was actually quite close to being finished, with a few bugs creeping in toward the end.
The main 'map' area would have had enemies flying around and attaching you, which you could shoot at but were really ment to avoided. This wasn't finished so can't be seen on the test footage.
The inside sections were pretty much finished with all necesary collectables and actavatables there. Agin the enemies are missing from the demo, but work was started on them.
Only the end ascape sequance wasn't really started.
If I go back to PICO-8 programming, I think I would probably start something simpler first, before looking at possibly finishing this. But I probably wont...
UPDATED: 14 January 2014...
I just finished implementing all 100 of the level designs for Particumental. Now I need to concentrate on the sound effects and background music.
I've also been having a look at my hybrid Adventureland Retro-Remake project, and I've decided to cut the RPG elements out of this one, and split this off into another project to develop my hybrid top-down-RPG and Text Adventure engine.
I do still intend to complete the original Adventureland remake, but will be concentrating on the text-input system only with this - making the interface much closer to the original. I'm primarily doing this to concentrate on honing the parser side of the engine, before making a completely new adventure game that is more suited to my custom RPG-Text framework.
I've also been having a look at my hybrid Adventureland Retro-Remake project, and I've decided to cut the RPG elements out of this one, and split this off into another project to develop my hybrid top-down-RPG and Text Adventure engine.
I do still intend to complete the original Adventureland remake, but will be concentrating on the text-input system only with this - making the interface much closer to the original. I'm primarily doing this to concentrate on honing the parser side of the engine, before making a completely new adventure game that is more suited to my custom RPG-Text framework.
The Adventureland game will be released free of charge on as much places as I can… probably starting with GameJolt.
UPDATED: 08 January 2014...
I just got some news from Desura today. The un-editable version of Machine Runner has been accepted and is scheduled for release as part of the 'Freedom Friday' pack on the 24th of January 2014.
UPDATED: 15 November 2013…
As far as C# XNA based stuff is concerned I've dropped the second game that was based on my ‘Box Game’ concept, for the present at least, and have been working on a simple little puzzle-type game, tentatively called Particumental. This doesn't have any fixed player graphics and uses particles to make up the various ‘elements’ (Air, Fire, Earth, & Water) that float around the screen.

I'm still not sure exactly where I'm going with this one, the basic mechanics are there but some of the graphics are still a bit rough, and the game is far from finished.
I should be able to get this polished up pretty soon though...

Longer term I'm intending to concentrate on ‘One day of Summer’ for a while, and maybe get something playable by the end of the year.
I'm also looking at remaking some very early games using C++, and possibly releasing them as a linked game-pack.
By ‘early’ I'm thinking about things based at the ‘Hunt the Wumpus,’ ‘Game of Life,’ ‘Snake,’ 'Tank Battle level, but with a linked plot…
Well it’s, sort off, on the drawing board right now anyway!
And I'm still poking around with Unity – so watch this space…
UPDATED: 22 August 2013…
OK, I haven’t updated this blog page for a little while, so I thought
I’d put up a little bit about what I’m playing around with lately – just in
case anyone is interested.

The thing is, I'm not entirely sure what to do next? It now has a title screen, complete with instructions, and music that (I'm pretty sure) is ok under the CC (Creative Commons) licence. Anyway, you can now run, jump, roll and kill yourself in various ways… generally very quickly. I wonder if I could make this one work on a phone?
I don’t think it’s worth the fees to add this to Xbox Live, as it would probably just get lost in the indie throng anyway. So, any ideas on where this simple ‘twitch’ game may find an audience would be gratefully received.
Secondly my ‘One day of summer’ game is coming along nicely,
although I haven’t spent that much time on it lately. It now has 25 screens you
can freely walk through, with all the exits working properly. It now also has
the ability to recognise when you are standing in front of a usable object.
Next thing is just to get all the ‘things you can do’ in there so I can get the
scoring system up and running. This is nearing the end of the engine-development
stage and entering into the ‘setting up the game data’ stage. I do still have a
fair bit of game tweaking to do though, and a lot of the graphics still need a bit
of a polish.
Despite my best efforts I also started work on another XNA
project. This one is a remake of the very retro Adventureland, which to those
who don’t know was a very early text-only adventure game. Mine is a bit of a
text-adventure come old-style top-down RPG hybrid, and it’s also coming along
nicely. I do have the basic game engine structure, although ther’s still a fair
bit of work to be done on the parser… then comes all the game data and graphics
setup and loading bit. To be fair some of this is already done but to usable,
because I have a pre-defined data template for this one. After all the ‘game’
as in the text and puzzles part was already written.
Oh yeh, and I’ve been playing around with a couple of small ‘circular
motion’ demos programs I wrote, one 2D one 3D, that may or may not come to anything…
So that’s what I’m occasionally doing as far as XNA is concerned.
I'll get a few links up here soon... Thanks for looking.
I'll get a few links up here soon... Thanks for looking.
UPDATED: 05 May 2013…
Machine Runner - Written in C# using the XNA framework.
This is one of the games I based on the run-and-jump theme explored in the Alpha demo program shown below...
This is very much a fast paced 'twitch' game, and I'd appreciate any comments on the art-style of this one.
UPDATED: 05 May 2013…
One day of Summer - Written in C# using the XNA framework.
Not much has been done to this so far, but it's going to be a sort of open world side-on arcade-adventure based on doing as much things as you can in one day in the life of the main character 'Summer."
The menu shows a three level parallax scrolling screen with the 'Summer' character skipping along in the middle...
UPDATED: 21 March 2013…
Written in C# using the XNA framework.
I first stumbled across the XNA libraries after having to learn C# for work. And have been toying with the idea of making a ‘proper’ Indie game that could run on a PC and Xbox, using this system. My first proper attempt at an Indi game is still very much under development…
But you can have a look at an early Alpha ‘proof of concept’ program here >
, this shows my initial idea for this game. The game itself is currently under development and will probably feature hand-drawn, and or painted, backdrops and foreground object graphics.
The Controlls for the ‘proof of concept’ game are:
Xbox Controller Right Shoulder + ‘A’ Button or the 'A' Key
Xbox Controller ‘A’ Button or the 'Z' Key
Xbox Controller Thumb Pad Left or the '<' Key
Xbox Controller Thumb Pad Right or the '>' Key
Xbox Controller ‘Start’ Button or SPACE Key
Xbox Controller ‘Back’ Button or ECSAPE Key
High Jump.
Long Jump.
Stop Running.
Go Faster.
Start Game.
Quit Game.
There were no viruses on the file I uploaded!
The player has to 'guide' the on-screen character across the constantly scrolling play-area by performing actions as the character runs over one of the flashing question-marks. Most actions can only be performed once, except for the 'stop' action. Pressing forwards will release this option, and the question mark will once again flash: allowing another action to be performed, if you are quick enough.
Thanks to anybody who takes the time to look, but don’t expect too much. Remember this is only a small, alpha ‘proof of concept’ program, but I would welcome your views on the concept.
When an action is performed the question-mark box changes to show the action taken.
Oh yes I almost forgot, the level-map is stored on a map.txt file which is intended to be editable. If I ever release a ‘proper’ version of this I would probably include a level editor program with it. But you can change the level layout, and size, by updating this map, or making your own from scratch.
Thanks to anybody who takes the time to look, but don’t expect too much. Remember this is only a small, alpha ‘proof of concept’ program, but I would welcome your views on the concept.
If there’s any interest I may tidy this up, add some other levels, and offer it as a free game (on PC anyway, M$ isn’t too keen on ‘free’ for the Xbox.)
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